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TraveltradeChina is a travel industry cooperation web site specifically set up to service B2B international outbound travel. With more than 9,000 users from all over the world, and excellent performance in Large-scale exhibitions like COTTM, BITE, CITM, WTF, GITF and so on, traveltradeChina has received highly reputation and great influence.

Especially, as the three-dimensional extension services including online e-commerce, kinds of offline activities organized by public relation department as well as the powerful resource sharing of the Green Page Directory made by travel trade China are launched, therefore, service area is further expanded and traveltradeChina again wins widely high opinion from members.

Moreover, traveltradeChina has been an experiential cooperation and support media in the Domestic well-known exhibitions since the establishment of company in 2007, and it has played important roles in such as: China Outbound Travel and Tourism Market (COTTM), World Trade Fair (WTF), China International Travel Mart (CITM), East Asia International Travel Fair (EAITF), Guangzhou International Travel Expo, and Nanjing Tourism Exhibition etc.


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氣吞山河之勢 北京十大長城
氣吞山河之勢 北京十大長城


清明節“綠”游 北京周邊賞花踏青全攻略
清明節“綠”游 北京周邊賞花踏青全攻略


鳥巢 打造首都休閒旅游新地標
鳥巢 打造首都休閒旅游新地標

鳥巢  鳥巢 打造首都休閒旅游新地標  鳥巢可以概括為五個結合,第一,是自然和社會的結合,鳥巢很自然鳥築的巢,來按照人類的形式作為一個建築物,自然和社會的結合,第二個結合是中國和外國的結合,叫中外

夏日北京旅游去哪玩 京郊天然垂釣燒烤地全攻略
夏日北京旅游去哪玩 京郊天然垂釣燒烤地全攻略
