i live in a city which offers so much entertainment to drive loneliness yet we still feel lonely
i live in a city where people eat breakfast on the bus and men shave on the elevator.everybody is in a hurry for....a certain something.
i live in a city that women wear high heels to go all the way from their home to office.
i live in a city where there's no harsh wind and thick snow, you don't need mittens to survive the winter.
i live in a city where people work long hours and party all night on weekends.
i live in a city where you can do a lot of things when you get bored: speed dating, dancing class, FB activities, clubbing etc. but you have to pay to do these...
i live in a city where people work their ass off to buy a house, yet, they couldn't afford it :-( for more information or travel blogs,you could visit:http://susanna21.spaces.live.com/?_c11_BlogPart_BlogPart=blogview&_c=BlogPart&partqs=amonth%3d12%26ayear%3d2007